Victory Christian School, Inc. is an interdenominational, co-educational ministry. VCS was formed in 1988 as a result of the incorporation of the former Corinth Christian Academy. CCA was founded in 1976 by the congregation of the Corinth Assembly of God under the leadership of Pastor William Lichty in Kinsman, Ohio. The congregation believed that God had given them the vision to provide christian education for the families of the church and the surrounding area. Through sacrificial giving of time, talents, and finances, the congregation built a two-story educational wing to house students in grades K-12. Using the ACE Program (Accelerated Christian Education), multiage classrooms were supervised by certified teachers and educational aides. Corinth Christian Academy continued to serve the students from four counties until 1988.
In the summer of 1988, due to financial issues, the church was forced to withdraw the majority of the financial support that it had been providing for the school since its inception. At this time, a plan for reorganization of the school was proposed to the church by a core group of parents. The church agreed to the proposal which allowed the school to continue operations in the building. The school was incorporated as Victory Christian School with its governance under the direction of a school board of duly elected parents. One parent was also to be a member of the Board of Corinth Assembly and serve as a liaison between the two governing boards. VCS opened in the fall of 1988 with 55 students.
The school continued its ministry in the Kinsman area until May 2001 until the school moved to its present facility at 2053 Pleasant Valley Road, Niles, OH.
In 1988, Victory Christian School was chartered with the state of Ohio for grades K-11.
When the school moved to its present location, application for a school charter for grades
K-12 was made and approved on October, 2001. As a fully chartered school, Victory Christian School is recognized by the State of Ohio as providing the minimum education standards formulated and prescribed by the State Board of Education.
Because the school is not affiliated with any one church or denominational group, VCS is not a parochial school, but a private school, incorporated in Ohio as a non-profit corporation. The school is distinctly Christian because it provides education from the worldview that recognizes that God, through His word, the Bible, is the absolute authority and basis for all truth. The school is also an inter-denominational school since its board members, administration, teachers, parents, and students represent many denominations and churches. The school continues to pursue its mission of “equipping students to become leaders who will impact the world for Christ.”
There are 163 total students enrolled for our 2024-2025 academic year.